• perna.jpg
  • otok.jpg
  • mlaska.jpg
  • more.jpg
  • porat.jpg
  • bilina.jpg
  • s-brda.jpg

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About us

Authors of Sućuraj homepage are brothers Martin and Ante Modrić. Martin Modrić was born on 12th of May 1965 in Henderson (New Zeland). He has a degree in economics and is a teacher in Tourist-catering School in Split. Ante Modrić was born on 31st of March 1983 in Sućuraj. He has a degree in public administration from the Law faculty of Split.

In December of 2000 we got our first computer and that was the first time we connected to the internet. At that time there was far less internet content than today, and basically nothing about Sućuraj. That is why we decided to make a website which will present basic information about our small town with a lot of photos. So on 29th of January 2001 Sućuraj homepage was born. Our knowledge of website design was little but we learn as we go.

The appearance of the website changed a few times, and the current look was decided on after the redesign in 2014, when all of the text and most of the photos were changed. In attached screenshots you can see how the site once looked. From the beginning the guest book was a component of the site. The guestbook was popular for a long time and had a large number of entries. With the development of social networks the guestbook gradually lost its significance, so we decided in 2014 to close it and instead integrate a Facebook page in Sućuraj homepage. Entries in our guestbook in txt format can be seen here.


For their help in redesigning the website in 2014 we thank: Vera Modrić (English translation), Tinie Radstake (proofreading the English translation), Snježana Vušković (German translation), Nevena Jurišić-Borozan (Italian translation), Mario Rendić (technical help) and Vanja Kuluz (for the cession of photographs from which a dozen was chosen for our website).

For their help in designing the website from 2001 to 2013 we thank: Marko Bartulović (English translation), Darijo Kujundžić (technical help) and Jasna Pavišić, Lana Janković, Aleks Šakota, Ivan Jaličić, Daniel Brandejs and Damir Jeičić for the cession of photographs.

For their help Sućuraj homepage Facebook page administration we thank: Anja Ukropina, Andreja Jerković and Hrvoje Pupačić.

If anyone has been left out of this list we apologize and ask them to contact us.

We ask people to contact us if they:

  • see a mistake on the page,
  • have a suggestion for improvement,
  • have an information that is relevant to Sućuraj and that hasn't been posted on the page,
  • have an interesting photo, video etc. that they would like to post on the page.

Contact: Táto e-mailová adresa je chránená pred spamovacími robotmi. Na jej zobrazenie potrebujete mať nainštalovaný JavaScript. (Martin Modrić) and Táto e-mailová adresa je chránená pred spamovacími robotmi. Na jej zobrazenie potrebujete mať nainštalovaný JavaScript. (Ante Modrić)

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Since 2001

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