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The town of Hvar - information and photos

The town of Hvar, with its 3 519 inhabitants (2021), is the largest settlement on the island of Hvar. It is situated on the south-western coast of the island, in the cove protected by Pakleni Islands (Pakleni otoci in Croatian) in the south and a low crest in the north. The name of the town of Hvar derives from the Greek name Pharos, the ancient name for the whole island and the town of Stari Grad (Hvar became an island’s centre in 13th century).

hvar 01The town of Hvarhvar 05 ad

The town's harbour provided a suitable location for a port, being geographically ideal and also protected by Pakleni Islands, making it a safe haven for boats hiding from hazardous winds. Pakleni Islands is a small archipelago where, on the biggest island of Sveti Klement, Palmižana Marina is located. There are also many beautiful beaches on the archipelago. Regular connections between Pakleni islands and Hvar are provided by taxi boats.

hvar 07 adhvar arsenalThe fortress

The town of Hvar is the centre of the island’s tourism, one of the favorite destinations in Croatia and one of the most prominent and visited tourist centers in the whole Adriatic Sea. The main attractions are: pleasant climate, a lot of sunshine, natural beauties, various accommodation facilities, gastronomic offer, sports and recreational opportunities, active nightlife.... Restaurants and taverns offer excellent fish specialities, with exquisite local wines.

hvar 06palmizanahvar 08

The guests have a variety of quality accommodations at their disposal in hotels, apartments, guest houses, boarding houses and campsites. Sports and recreational opportunities are excellent - beach yoga, safari tours, tennis, climbing, hiking, basketball, football, water sports and many more.

hvar 09hvar 10hvar town loggia ad

You can find crystal clear sea with rocky and small gravel beaches in Hvar, and the most beautiful ones are on the Pakleni islands. Among them, the most popular are:
Jerolim - a well-known and long-established naturist beach equipped with showers, restaurant and a store.
Ždrilca - a woody cove on the Pakleni islands with several pebble beaches, many hidden spots for relaxing and enjoying, with few restaurants.
Stipanska - naturist beach equipped with showers, restaurant and a small shop.
Palmižana - an extensive cove with a shallow beach. It is surrounded with dense pine woods, bushes of scented heather and rosemary, and different exotic plants.
Pokonji Dol - a gravel cove with pebble beach, not far away from town
Mekičevica - only 2.5 km east of the centre of town, it consists of two pebble beaches.

beach palmizana adplaža pokojni dolpodstine ad

Hvar is the town of a unique cultural and historical heritage such us: the fortress, the Cathedral of St. Stephan, the Franciscan monastery, town loggia, the Hektorović Palace, the arsenal and the theatre. The town also has many galleries, museums and exhibitions.

katedrala sv. stjepanafranjevački samostanhektorovic palace

Hvar gained glory and power during middle ages being an important port within the Venetian, naval empire. The Roman settlement was located near the port (3rd c. BC), and the late antique at the foot of the hill, where the construction of town ramparts started after 1278. The centre of the old part of the town was formed in the 15th century. On the northern slope above the square, within the town ramparts are partly preserved palaces of the Hvar aristocracy.

hvar 03hvar 04pakleni islands

Today Hvar is an important tourist resort with a centuries-old tradition in tourism.

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